Guitar Riffs

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Hi all,

I’m still pretty new at using RC. What’s the best way to come up with believable guitar riffs? I’ve used the melody generator to make some great melodies, mostly for piano parts, but I haven’t figured out a way to come up with a good riff.

I’m envisioning something where a few notes are played and then also has sections that include a chord/partial chord as part of the riff. Is something like that possible to generate? Hope that makes sense.

Thank you all! Great community here!


Something like that would be hard to do on a number of levels.. riffs on a guitar would have bends, harmonics maybe, pull offs, etc., so, doing that in RC wouldn't work.

If you play guitar, you could use a VST to convert your notes to midi. There are few good ones out there for this.

You can also get a little creative with the midi and assemble sections to make what you want, but, manually..


Thank you BluGenes. That’s kinda what I figured, but was hoping I was wrong.

I am a guitar player, but unfortunately I’m not good enough to play the kinda riffs I’d like to add to my compositions. Was hoping I could plug a little Jimi Hendrix in there from time to time. I will look into manually editing the MIDI in a way that’s similar to a guitar player would play. That or pickup one of Native Instruments session guitarist libraries haha.


Actually, with a little creativity and software, you could probably still do that, no matter your skill level.. but, bear in mind, it could get expensive..

I use a couple products now and then.. Midi Guitar 2 by Jam Origin and Melodyne by Celemony.

Then you would need a guitar VST.. Native Instruments just released a new one.. not sure of the name, but, it does do riffs as well..


I’ve been eyeing a few different of the “session” guitarist offerings. I really like the acoustic guitar picked version.

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