New User - Bugs?

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Hello everyone!
I'm excited to be a new RC user!
I'm watching lots of the tutorials videos which were suggested by the website.

A couple things that are baffling me are:
1) When I click and drag to resize the plugin window, it lags way behind.
2) Scrolling up and down in the grid, settings, or pretty much anywhere also has a long delay and jumps around to the point where scrolling is unusable. So I have to click and drag the scroll bar.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!


Hi! Welcome to the forums..

Going to need more info.. what OS are you using and what DAW are you running RC in?


While we wait on that info, you can try changing the render options.. Go to Settings -> User Interface -> Renderer and try those to see if it fixes your problem..


Hello and welcome!

You did not mention which plug-in (AU or VST3?) and OS you use.
I suppose you are on macOS, where resizing the plug-in window is more troublesome (especially for the AU plug-in). The RC plug-in UI is placed in a hardware accelerated window, instead of an NSView, and this is difficult to handle on macOS. I'll do my best to improve the situation.

Scrolling acceleration/deceleration is set up for mouse wheel usage.
The trackpad sends many times more events than a mouse wheel. This is slightly corrected in the program, but you can improve the scrolling behavior by setting acceleration and deceleration under Settings / User Interface / Scrolling. You need to set a bigger deceleration (above 1.0), smaller acceleration, and maybe smaller maximum speed.

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Oh yes I apologize. I'm on Windows 11, Ableton 11 Live, and running the VST3.

1) I tried BlueGenes suggestion for the rendering, and set it to software, and that worked with the window resizing. So thank you!

2) The scrolling however is still misbehaving. I'm two finger scrolling on a touchpad if that makes a difference.

3) Off topic for post but I went and tried to download that big phrase package from the very first post of the "a few custom phrases" topic but it didn't download. What is the best way to download all that content? Do I have to scroll through the whole thread and download one by one and then organize?


Patt Erns wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:00 am
3) Off topic for post but I went and tried to download that big phrase package from the very first post of the "a few custom phrases" topic but it didn't download. What is the best way to download all that content? Do I have to scroll through the whole thread and download one by one and then organize?
Those probably won't work any more. The files have changed and are not backward compatible from that version.


BluGenes wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:02 am
Those probably won't work any more. The files have changed and are not backward compatible from that version.
Oh OK. Is there an alternative to those or anything you suggest to expanding RC generating capabilities? Do people typically build up an extensive phrase library and bring that into RC?


Patt Erns wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:24 pm Oh OK. Is there an alternative to those or anything you suggest to expanding RC generating capabilities? Do people typically build up an extensive phrase library and bring that into RC?
Yea, one thing you can do is watch the videos from the support page of the web site. You can add midi by importing, etc., and probably the best thing to do is just add as you go, as you need it.

You can generate new midi as well with the generators and save those, too into RC's library..

But, sorry, I don't have a link to any kind of bundle..


May be this is strange but i managed to download this file "" from a "a few custom phrases" topic. i cannot upload it to the musicdevelopments - so here is the link to google drive ... sp=sharing


Very nice gesture, but, I think what really is needed is an "official" source for this kind of stuff. I just get an uneasy feeling these days when anyone offers a link, with noted good intentions only to find out it wasn't.

I only say this because we did, (Atilla and I), had an situation were that happened. The link that we were given was in fact bogus, and infected with a virus. Fortunately, it was detected before anything could happen.

So, click stuff responsibly, Music Developments won't be held responsible for damages..


I agree with you - BluGenes - official link - is the safest way to download the needed files. i only wanted to help Patt Erns to find this file. How did i download custom phrases? In that topic "A few Custom Phrases" - right click of the mouse on the link - and then - "Save the link as" - and the download will start. I hope that help. I wish yoy stay safe and healthy


mongoloff wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:27 pm I agree with you - BluGenes - official link - is the safest way to download the needed files. i only wanted to help Patt Erns to find this file. How did i download custom phrases? In that topic "A few Custom Phrases" - right click of the mouse on the link - and then - "Save the link as" - and the download will start. I hope that help. I wish yoy stay safe and healthy
naw, that reply wasn't directed at you, just everyone as a whole.. We want to encourage community sharing and all, just, we don't have that implemented yet as safe, "official" capacity. But, that will change, eventually..

If anyone has the means of safely checking anyone's links, by all means enjoy. (using virus checkers, etc., common sense)

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