Change midi channel and cc value in onMidi function?

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I want to map a specific midi channel and cc value to another inside the onMidi function. So if the controller sends CC 127 on channel 2 I want to send CC 0 on channel 3 to Bitwig. How is this possible?
Kind regards


Not sure why you would need or want to do that. also you need to define what you mean by map. There are many things to map to and from in the world of controllers.

you can send stuff out the midi port of the extension, but that doesn't go back into bitwig it just goes out to the controller.
int channel = 2;
int cc = 0;
int value = 2;
host.getMidiOutPort(0).sendMidi(ShortMidiMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE|channel, cc, value)


Thank you for your reply. I have a button that can send CC 127 on first press and CC 0 on second press and so on. I want Bitwig to react on both presses and link these to different destinations with the mapping-browser-panel, the finger icon down right. I tried this with a userControl but it doesn't work. Sending midi back to the controller is not what a want. Are there other ways to send CC values or notes on/off directly to Bitwig?

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