Does Melda have a solution for this?

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Hi folks,

I'm trying to find a way to output a modulation envelope to other synths in Blue Cat's Patchwork.

As yet i can't find a solution, but i'm wondering if Melda can save the day for me?!

It's kinda hard to explain, so i made a quick video explaining the problem, if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be eternally grateful!

So just to be clear, I'm not looking for an alternative way to do the same thing only using Melda plugins, i need to do this in Patchwork, like in the video. But i'm hoping there's some way to pass modulation through in a similar way as shown (but not working) in the video.


Try using MCCGenerator as the envelope generator and have it output midi CCs. Use that to control the other synths and effects. I'm not sure how patchwork opperates, but I'm guessing you can modulate some of its macro controls with midi CCs. If so, that should work.


Damn, thanks man, Melda to the rescue again! ..... i did a quick try and it seems to work!

Not sure how reliable or practical it will be, or if the resolution is good enough, but will report back.

I'm trying to build a unique hi-hat arp in Patchwork and this was the last piece of the puzzle i couldn't get working.

Planning to make a Youtube tutorial about it when i have it finished.


Sorry, one other question:

Does Melda have a tool that will quantize an incoming MIDI note to the sync of the DAW?

So say i set it to 8th notes, and if i play the note too soon, it will delay it to the next 8th note on the sync grid?

I can sorta get it working with the arp in MPowersynth, but it's not usable for what i'm trying to do.

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