Tracktion Waveform 13

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For those who may be interested, Tracktion is Releasing Waveform 13 on Saturday March 30th. I've been a casual Waveform user for many years. I always thought there was a some brilliance in the software but some stability issues and plugin issues kept me from doing much serious work in it in the past. For those who follow Tracktion they've been working hard at stomping out old bugs and working on stability for the current version so that gives me a renewed excitement for the release of version 13. Per the Tracktion Instagram page, they will be releasing info on the new features soon and I'll update this post when that comes out. Image
Windows 10 PC. Reason. Cubase. Waveform. Reaper. Studio One Pro. Epiphone Les Paul Pro II. Nektar Panorama t4. Yamaha RBX Bass. Faderport 2. Eris E5 Monitors. SSL2 Interface. Audient Evo 4. AKG C214. Aston Origin. MXL 990.


It is very interesting this. They will add clip launch.


every attempt I've made with it so far has ended in a crash, which really killed my enthusiasm for it
"Where we're workarounding, we don't NEED features." - powermat


Wow, Live-style !
Looking forward to it... I had a Tracktion license years ago, but never looked back when I switched to Reaper. I like ABleton Live, too, but their business model and price range annoys me (and Bitwig isn't cheap either), so if Tracktion can get a couple of Live-like features, I might give it another spin.


As of version 7 and beyond, I always thought Waveform had a beautiful interface. Very clean, minimal, and easy to customize to one's liking. If version 13 is rock solid stable and adds some cool new features it could be a real winner for these guys. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what 13 brings.
Windows 10 PC. Reason. Cubase. Waveform. Reaper. Studio One Pro. Epiphone Les Paul Pro II. Nektar Panorama t4. Yamaha RBX Bass. Faderport 2. Eris E5 Monitors. SSL2 Interface. Audient Evo 4. AKG C214. Aston Origin. MXL 990.


I've had major issues with stability with Waveform. Didn't really leave a good impression at the time. I'll give it another go once 13 drops. I've always liked (some of) the interface design choices they made with the app.
Studio One // Bitwig // Logic Pro // Ableton // Reason // FLStudio // MPC // Force // Maschine


Interested 😉
Might did out my old ver.9 licence to get it at discount price point.


mdx4ever wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:08 am Might did out my old ver.9 licence to get it at discount price point.
I wouldn't count on a discount. Looks like they only offer discounted upgrades if you owned the prior version. Like version 11 to 12, or 12 to 13.

They do use almost any excuse for a 40% off sale, though.


Had the same stability and CPU issues as everybody else, still waiting out for that one day when they do a good stable release.

Who even owns it nowadays?
There is no about section on the website, is it still British, is it anything to do with Jules anymore?


Well you got me to try 12, and surprise surprise, can't even get past the plugin scan without it crashing non stop, sad stuff.

Finally got past the plugin scanner, open the file browser, it cant find any audio files in my sample folders, this is doubly infuriating when you load any samplers and you cant just click and load a sample, you have to drag n drop a sample, but the browser doesn't work, then when you finally get a sample loaded the samplers dont have basic features like a legatto/portamento in mono mode (Is there some kind of macro or something im missing?) seems like a lot of wasted UI space on the samplers when basics are missing.
This software needs a serious overhaul to even be comparable to the old version that Jules used to develop!

Every time time I demo the latest version of this software hoping that I can start to use it again, it just doesn't work out, it is issue after issue after issue.


Interesting. Version 12 is great so i'm sure v13 will be aswell
Energy XT3 - FL Studio 21 | Surge - Discovery PRO - Classic Boxes Collection - Variety of Sound


I'm glad to hear that Waveform is still a train wreck. I will promptly not download it and not use it!

I liked the original concept way back when, but there was a serious but with automation and rendering that never got fixed. It probably still isn't fixed after 8 or so versions. Oh well. I wish them well.
I started on Logic 5 with a PowerBook G4 550Mhz. I now have a MacBook Air M1 and it's ~165x faster! So, why is my music not proportionally better? :(


This does look interesting. Mackie killed Tracktion for me. I'd still be using it but that force me to Reaper and I'm happy there so why change. This looks good though.
Intel Core i7 8700K, 16gb, Windows 10 Pro, Focusrite Scarlet 6i6


bungle wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:40 am Who even owns it nowadays?
There is no about section on the website, is it still British, is it anything to do with Jules anymore?
AudioSquadron - Jules is the director, Woody the CEO, the Prism/Sadie guys have leading roles too...
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


So tried this again knowing that it was still associated with Jules, changed one of the color settings, crash out, white screen, now it wont even start anymore, do they even beta test these releases?

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