The Yamaha EZ-EG Guitar Midi Controller Thread

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


If your strings are triggering other strings, you can fix it by opening up the front part of the guitar and duct taping over the strings where its normally covered up. This way they don't excessively vibrate.

I can't make it any more clear, you'd have to open up the guitar and see where the vibrations are causing the problem, then tape it down with strong tape.
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RunBeerRun wrote: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:13 pm I'm building a plugin in Synthedit to use with the EZ-AG.

So far I've got it all routed onto channel 1, and midi note on under velocity of 20 doesn't come through.

But the notes stay on forever, so you have to constantly mute... it's just fun to try to make.

Did this ever get made?


Here is Robot Arms the plugin I made in Synthedit. It's a vst2 32 bit windows plugin.

It routes all string channels onto midi channel 1 and optionally can limit note on time so you don't get hanging stuck notes. It does some other things too you can see on the gui.
The only site for experimental amp sim freeware & MIDI FX: -Youtube jams


I have an error with my EZ-AG
the MIDI output now errors and doesnt send velocity out. I can still play notes but it no longer sends any velocity information so nothing ends up playing (not even the default 16 velocity on hammered notes). I have taken the board out and dusted it, tried other cables, and cleaned the ports and nothing seems to work.
When going through the testing, r37 outputs Err unless I am sending it MIDI in
does anyone know how to fix this or have any ideas where to start?

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