Weil ich Dich liebe - TripHop

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rune_lh wrote:
and dont you dis lamb
No dissin' intended :)
I like Lamb.

it's only cause I have such a wish to see Portishead continue.

It's almost impossible to find trip-hop of the good old Bristol sort anymore. Even Massive Attack seem to have left the building.
ok, now we are completely OT ;)
have you ever heard of daughter darling? www.daughterdarling.com
not exactly bristol, but their debut album is really worth getting :)


don't worry about going OT - I just received a pm
from Bina in which she told me that it's o.k. :hihi:

about the link to the trip-hop defintion you posted, LuCIPHer: after reading it I'd say this here IS
indeed trip-hop 8)
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


you're probably right - whoever mixed this song
is a stoopid amateur
...eh? :? What are you on about?


Sehr toll... jetzt have ich einen Barenhunger...

Bis dann!


:oops: - I was just kidding - cheers, Rune - and your new plugin (Basslane) is fantastic - I just tried it, thank
you very much for it :hail: :D
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


rune_lh wrote:
you're probably right - whoever mixed this song
is a stoopid amateur
...eh? :? What are you on about?
a male person from germany, quite active on kvr, mixed that song, he's got a name starting with the letter j ;)
but pssshht, that's exclusive german information :hihi:


ok, now we are completely OT
have you ever heard of daughter darling? www.daughterdarling.com
not exactly bristol, but their debut album is really worth getting
Nope, haven't heard of them.
But I'll have a listen.

Thanks for the tip :-)


Damn! I knew I shouldn't have walked into a german thread :D ... I am missing a lot between the lines here. :bang:

Lucipher :) ...okay I see.. phew! Why didn't someone PM me with that kind of info before :hihi:

Thanks Jens...glad you like Basslane. Sooo emrm..about that mix of yours. Just mixing, or also composing?



yes, and also playing that shite guitar lick :oops:
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


rune_lh wrote: Thanks for the tip :-)
you're welcome :)


jens wrote:yes, and also playing that shite guitar lick :oops:

[note to self]hide all guitars before the event[/note to self]


vurt wrote:
jens wrote:yes, and also playing that shite guitar lick :oops:

[note to self]hide all guitars before the event[/note to self]
:oops: - better it is :oops:
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


Muss es erstmal in deutsch sagen, geht ja doch einfacher:
Die Stimme ist zu nasal, und ich denke nicht, dass das eine Frage der Stimme per se ist, sondern eher eine Frage der Gesangstechnik. Für meinen Geschmack müsste das viel offener gesungen sein, so quäkt die Stimme leider rum, klingt nach Polypen, fast so wie Jürgen Drews in weiblich.
Ohja, ich seh's schon kommen, für diesen Kommentar bekomme ich Kloppe, aber ich kann halt nicht aus meiner Haut.
Aber wie gesagt, ich denke, mit ein wenig feilen an der Gesangstechnik kann man das auch anders (und meiner Meinung nach besser) hinbekommen.

Der Song an sich geht für mich in Ordnung, aber wie Putte schon sagte, da braucht's noch n bisschen was hinsichtlich der Soundsortierung.
Der Beat macht zu voll, vermutlich wegen der LoFi/Zerr-Geschichte, aber wohl auch wegen des extremen Stereospektrums. Dadurch gehen die Pads fast unter, der Bass auch. Teilweise mag das auch am MP3-File liegen, wieso das in 22kHz ist, verstehe ich eh nicht.
Ferner finde ich die Stimme etwas überkomprimiert, ein wenig lauter darf die schon werden, wenn lauter gesungen wird. Vielleicht auch dadurch bedingt, wird der Hall an den lauten Stellen einigermaßen fies. Die leisen Stellen klingen erheblich besser - und das gilt auch generell, so ungefähr bei 1:10 klingt's plötzlich alles ganz durchsichtig, wenn's dann wieder laut wird, kehrt der Matsch gleich mit zurück.

In aller Kürze:
- Gesang offener gestalten, sowohl vom singen wie auch vom Mix her, braucht mehr Raum.
- Weniger ist mehr, besonders hinsichtlich aller perkussiven Geschichten. Weniger Klanginformation und weniger Zerre oder wasauchimmer da benutzt wurde.

Ich weiß, das war kein "dude, that's some kickass tune" Kommentar - aber persönlich denke ich, dass die eh keine Sau braucht, gibt's hier viel zu oft.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


Sascha Franck wrote:Ich weiß, das war kein "dude, that's some kickass tune" Kommentar - aber persönlich denke ich, dass die eh keine Sau braucht, gibt's hier viel zu oft.
you're probably right, and personaly i'm a sort of king of "that's a nice track" comments, but i believe that this humble notes are still better than nothing. I don't pretend to always know what the others should have done with their track, so when i have no clue, i prefer to tell what i felt rather than just close the window... Of course, sometimes closing the window is the best option... when your feeling could hurt the nice fellow sharing his music. :D

Sasha, don't take it personaly, i just catch the ball.. actually, i often wonder how i could improve my comments and keep feeling bad having no clever ideas to share... :?

BTW, i listened to this track yesterday and was quite pleased with the result. There were some production problems, tho. :wink:

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