Anukari Synthesizer: Sound through the laws of physics

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Sure, I'm patient - I love this kind of thing ;)
I just forget, with everything else that's going on - so need to be reminded ;)
John Braner
and all the major streaming/download sites.


When an instrument plays alone, it can have whatever tuning it wants, but in an orchestra it has to be tuned in or you end up in a mess.
artie fichelle sounds natural


Wow this synth /fx sounds like a really great idea ! Really refreshing from most of the stuff getting done these days.
I add another vote for mpe support witch would allow great live playing with that thing imo.


Posting to follow progess - looks veeeerrryyy interesting. I love all physical models which make a noise :) and this one sounds particularly different and interesting!

Any beta slots?


Very interesting, can't wait to try this


Reminds me of two things: Enzyme vst and Taron Springs (? might be senile there). Fun stuff very similar to a plate reverb as it is. Count me interested especially as you add different materials. I love PM synthesis.
gadgets an gizmos..make noise Restocked: 3/24
old stuff
if this post is edited -it was for punctuation, grammar, or to make it coherent (or make me seem coherent).


Reminds me mostly of Physical Audio instruments and fx eg


Cool! This ties in very nicely with a branch of PM that was sort of abandoned for a while, the mass-spring paradigm. There were some cool projects back in the day, like CORDIS-ANIMA, I think today it's called GENESIS.


I can't imagine how that ^^^ escaped my radar at the time, but my machines were most likely incapable of running it, even if it was available to the public. Off-the-chart OMG cool!!! Enough so, that I would seriously consider getting a Mac, just to run it.

Here's an interesting read, for those so inclined :

[addendum] it was apparently available only on SGI unix platforms, though the video above is on a mac. hmmm. curious.
I'm not a musician, but I've designed sounds that others use to make music.


Oh yes, that looks like a LOT of fun right there. Some of those models are enormous! MAME can do an SGI unix emulation so if the software can be found.. But I can't locate it after looking for 30 mins


Check out these three short demos uploaded a week ago! :tu: :love:

Just a quick demo...
Spiderweb Gong, Bowed and Struck
Faulty Hyperdrive

(BTW Anukari is a Sanskrit word meaning: ”Simulation” ”Mimetic” ”Imitative”) 8)


OMG!!!! :pray: Two new videos were posted 2 weeks ago, but I only saw them just now (eventhough I subscribe to the channel).

anukari as a guitar processor (!!!)  :hail:

This will probably be my favorite audio plugin of all time!
I will be able to use my various guitars and other instruments, build crazy physical modeling textures/sounds to trigger via MIDI gear, manipulate rhythms. WOW! :tu:

I am in no shape or form connected to the developer eventhough it was I that started this thread. Time to join the Anukari Music Discord and become a part of the movement! :D

J.S. Bach, Prelude in C Major (BWV 846)

@anukari-music Feel free to post here once in a while, more should know about this!
Hope you get some award or something, or at least plenty of sales so you will be financially independent! :clap:


1) take my money right now
2) I've only had to wait 31 years to finally be able to do many things I've been planning, less than I expected
3) I wish I still had my Novint Falcon as this is precisely what I tried to convince the developer thereof was an ideal use case of their nice haptic interface (that thing was wild, and licensed from some folks who made it and use it for oil exploration... bizarre)
4) as the KVR nut who has used physical modeling more than anyone else, I'm quite sure, I am pondering pretending to have contracted a brain disease to take off work early and start plotting


@Yadrichik_Chaya & @runagate: thank you so much for the very kind words. It's highly motivating to know that there are folks who are excited about Anukari!

Sorry for not posting here in a while. I've been heads-down working on Anukari full time, and have been getting a lot done. I actually wrote a detailed post about this for anyone who's interested in progress as of a week or two ago: ... ari-update.

I've found that a tick-tock development model has been working really well. For every YouTube demo video I make, I file like 20 bug/feature requests for myself. So I've been trying to alternate between using Anukari and finding out what needs improvement (tick) and then doing all the engineering work to improve it (tock). Though overall I'm a super-imbalanced clock because I spend 90% of the time on the tock part. :)

As @Yadrichik_Chaya mentioned, I did set up a Discord server ( for folks who like to communicate that way. I've been taking requests for quick & dirty demos in there and making them (way lower production quality than on my YouTube, but it's fun posting rougher stuff to a smaller audience).

I do pay attention to this KVR thread, though, so this is still a great place to post for anyone who has questions/requests/ideas/comments!


For the developers here: I just realized I never posted here about the talk I'll be giving at Audio Developer Conference 2023 in November: ... ?iframe=no

I'll be going into how I solved some of the problems that are kind of unique to this kind of simulator, with the thread synchronization (for a huge 500 kB+ parameter space), as well as the use of the GPU to do the physics processing.

I'll be sure to post the YouTube video of the talk once that's released by the conference, probably later in November. Hopefully folks find these engineering details interesting.

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