The positive feedback thread

Official support for:
Bitwig Studio 5


Just to counter all the bug threads ..
List your favourite thing(s) about Bitwig.

For me, it's Bounce In Place on Sends and Tabbed Projects.


Yaay! Let's spread some love.

They are both great features. My big two/three are the ability to have the Launcher in Arrange View, with it's tracks horizontal, and the ability to chop up audio within a clip. And the ability to apply a groove to the start points of those chunks (audio events) like you can with note events.

Another one that stands out is the automatic optimization of automation which to me makes Live look very poor indeed in comparison. I'm trying to tone down my enthusiasm for that one to avoid feeding the trolls.
Studio One, OS X 10.0, M-Audio Oxygen 25 keyboard.
Old websites: Free Bitwig Studio tutorials Free Ableton Live and Mac tutorials.


It sucks....

..just joking. Bugs aside, it definitely has a lot of potential. A nice clean interface, a fairly streamlined workflow and an awesome modulation system. Plus tabbed project browsing is really cool, I might even use it if they'd let me save a project!


Last edited by Chapelle on Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


kennyda wrote:Another one that stands out is the automatic optimization of automation which to me makes Live look very poor indeed in comparison. I'm trying to tone down my enthusiasm for that one to avoid feeding the trolls.
Agreed on the Automation. That and being able to see the Mixer on the Arrangement page alone makes it better than it's nearest competitor for me.


So far im enjoying the modulators the most, being able to quickly add some 'animation' to any parameter is really nice.

Wish the LFOs could be set really slow though, 0.1 Hz isn't low enough :)


its shallow, but I love the visual look of it. ;)


gamecat666 wrote:its shallow, but I love the visual look of it. ;)
I don't think it is shallow. There's nowt wrong with something looking good. But I also find it a lot clearer than my previous DAW, and I suffer fro serious eye problems.
Studio One, OS X 10.0, M-Audio Oxygen 25 keyboard.
Old websites: Free Bitwig Studio tutorials Free Ableton Live and Mac tutorials.


ghosttrax wrote:Just to counter all the bug threads ..
List your favourite thing(s) about Bitwig.

For me, it's Bounce In Place on Sends and Tabbed Projects.

Whenever I try to Bounce a Send in Place it doesn't work. Both Bounce & Bounce in place are greyed out.

Does anyone know why?

Beside that I really enjoy the program. Really nice on the eyes. Love the shuffle function - multiple project open at the same time. Just needs some getting used to and will probes be used loads between live. All it needs imo, is Rewire for use with Live :D


I haven't hooked up any of my hardware synths yet, so I've just been playing ITB.

Absolute #1 favorite thing: It runs on Linux. (I had to track down some dependecies (Fedora moves faster in that department than Ubuntu.) and repackage the .deb to an rpm to install it on Fedora but that wasn't too hard..and now I know how to repackage releases from other distros, thanks Bitwig.) I played with the demo for two hours and bought it immediately because they're the only people who are even trying to sell me something and it happens to be a pretty decent product too.

#2. Multiple audio events in a clip. Bounce in place, split at offsets, chop chop chop. Also, being able to fiddle with the internal timing of a launcher clip, it makes warping easier to use.. Because you can just throw away that little bit that you don't want instead of trying to make it play really fast and turning down the volume.

#3. Clips on return tracks and the master track. Bounce in place on the master track also really nice. (Just make a clip of the region you want, bounce in place, then you can fiddle with that wherever.)

#4. All the internal stuff is pretty usable sound quality-wise so far, which is great for me because I don't really like to use many plugins. (I record, edit, mangle, and mix my HW synths mainly and if I want something esoteric I'd tend to route to another application or to outboard instead of using a plugin these days.) So good quality effects right in the DAW are a must for me.

#5. The editing workflow period. Being able to edit multiple launcher clips simultaneously to make them internally consistent with one another. Being able to do the same in the arrangement is very useful too.

Overall it's a really inspiring instrument and tool for pushing music out the door. I haven't really --played-- it yet, but I hope to at some point. I have to learn my way around a bit more. (It seems pretty controller-centric and I have no idea what makes sense in that department. I had a two year experiment with live controllerism a years ago then decided to just play keyboards and hardware sequencers.)


The one really big thing for me is the device order flexibility.
I recently checked out Jam Origins "Midi Bass" that converts incoming Bass Audio to Midi.
In all my other hosts (that are not fully modular) this would need several track.

In Bitwig, I had one Audio track with first an Uhbik-Q EG to work on the levels and tone balance, then the Midi Bass VST, which is creating Midi Notes as well as letting the Audio through, and after that I placed Reaktor Prism FX. This effect uses the incoming notes to "play" the resonator banks that act on the incoming audio.

Since I also use a lot of midi VSTS and midi generators, this is very important for me. I can easily have a VST step sequencer, a VST midi mangler like my reactor ensemble here: Toms Midi Mangler in one track and place for instance AAS Chromaphone after that.

Other than that:
- I absolutely love the GUI. :love:
- Clips and arranger next to each other and perfectly combined for my usage.
- Multiple audio evens in a clip.
- Drag and drop of EVERYTHING between multiple open projects (clips, tracks, devices...).
- Clips on return and master tracks.
- "Return to arrangement" as a clip action.
- Quality of the effects and instruments.
- "FX" Slot in effects like delay to create your own spaces...
- Per Note Pitch and Timbre/Poly-Aftertouch.
- The Modulation System is awesome (but yes, the LFO needs MUCH slower speeds and a Smooth Random curve...) ;-)
- The layered Automation System.
- Layered Editing.
- The Browser just works for me.
- Sandboxing of VSTs
- How x86 and x64 are totally transparent to the user.
- Multiple Windows and the clever Layouts.
- Device Scripting and API.

Did I miss something ;-)


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream Instagram Mastodon


Tom stole everything I wanted to post!

I think my most favorite feature so far are the project tabs. I'm pretty big on (and used to) document tabs in general, and it's something I've missed in other DAWs that I've used or sampled.

The interface in general was a big, positive surprise for me. When I had read that it was written in Java, my first thought was that it would be sluggish as hell and unresponsive. You know how the joke goes: *knock knock* ... "Who's there?" ... *a long time passes* ... "Java.". The total opposite is the case, though: it's highly responsive, very snappy, resizes without flickering, and it's generally very light on my system. It shares nothing with what I usually associate with Java GUIs, and I would not be able to tell what it was written in if I didn't know. They did a really good job with this.

It's also well-designed from a usability perspective. The level of consistency is high, which is a big plus for me, because it allows a focus on productivity rather than requiring me to fight and struggle with the software.


i like:
- all what Tom posted
- sound design options (modulators, chaos panel)
- sampler edit window
- most modular GUI from all DAWs i know
- how you are able to assign the range of the knob/fader values (fast and easy)



Sorry guys I stole your ideas ;-)
It's just so much fun to finally see more people using BWS, even if there is some growning pain to go through... ;-)

- I forgot one: If you drag and drop a clip in the timeline to the browser, it's saved to the clip-tab of the browser. Nothing unusual yet. But if you drag it back to the empty space, it re-creates the track with all devices and settings and the clip in question on it! Very handy.
(if you drag it on an existing track it doesn't replace the settings/devices of course).


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream Instagram Mastodon


ThomasHelzle wrote:- The Modulation System is awesome (but yes, the LFO needs MUCH slower speeds and a Smooth Random curve...) ;-)
You should be able to create randomish LFO by chaining up a bunch of them and modulating the Depth of the last one?

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