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Ok this is my first post, only really discovered this site a few moments ago. I took some time to listen to some of the tracks showcased here, makes me more enthusiastic to make sure my own stuff is good.

A bit of background, I have been working probably seriously at this craft maybe 6 months. Lots of work to go but I put in many hours a day into this so things have come in leaps and bounds from those first exported mp3s from cubase a while back.

Mixed feelings about sharing my work so prematurely but perhaps it is best I sound people out. This track is only worth a few hours work. Its the kind of thing that just comes out of me and then I let it sit for a while before I attack it again.

It is missing something (and needs to be mixed better) - that will probably be some vocal fill, higher drum variation, more samples. Temptation would be to fill it rightly with moaner style vocals (ala underworld moaner that is). Best sampled at maximum volume. Definitely designed for that. Sorry if the bass is too high though.

No name specified :)


rocket wrote:I took some time to listen to some of the tracks showcased here, makes me more enthusiastic to make sure my own stuff is good.

sorry, does that mean what you heard here was good or bad? Not sure what you mean.

anyway, I can't seem to download your track, it just times out :?


What I heard was good.

Not sure what to say about it timing out, I have no problem following that link. I wonder if anybody else is having trouble? Please post if this is the case.


sorry rocket, I tried again but it just crapped out on me again...


rocket wrote: I wonder if anybody else is having trouble? Please post if this is the case.
I was able to download successfully. Got about 55KB/sec.
Will take a listen in a bit.


it's fine for me....

listening now :)



bugger, I guess it's me then...


Not a bad chill tune. 8)
I kept expecting it to pick up the pace a bit at some point. It finally did start to pick up at 4 minute mark, but that was just in time for the song ending. :)

Thank you for letting us have a listen.


had a few listens, some nice ideas.

I think your right, the drums need a litle more variation (some fills etc.)

I also think that the stuttery hihat pattern could switch to a more cohesive pattern ealier than when the extra percussion comes in at approx 3:20

still, what do i know (if you listen to any of my stuff I always wimp out on the drums) :(

The mix sounds a little "muddy" to my ears and bit of creative eq'ing might not go amiss.

look forward to hearing it after a little more work :D



blaster78 wrote:had a few listens, some nice ideas.

I think your right, the drums need a litle more variation (some fills etc.)

I also think that the stuttery hihat pattern could switch to a more cohesive pattern ealier than when the extra percussion comes in at approx 3:20

still, what do i know (if you listen to any of my stuff I always wimp out on the drums) :(

The mix sounds a little "muddy" to my ears and bit of creative eq'ing might not go amiss.

look forward to hearing it after a little more work :D

Thanks for your comments, by muddy you mean heavily bassy? my subs are offline at the moment which is making it extremely hard to gauge bass volume at the moment.

Yes I was thinking of introducing a more progressive drum break rather than just breaking into heavily late into the track.

On the fact that it does not heat up until 4 minutes that is mainly because I probably intend to make this a bit of a journey, progressively taking the audience to higher and higher levels of intensity and then slacking off so people enjoy the ambience of the background (ie, closer to 10 mins).

But this is not the first time I've been told of being very liberal with my "intros" so maybe one day I will learn :) I was thinking I was pushing it a bit there but then again as I say, it is missing a lot of stuff like vocals.

And please, nobody thank me for letting you listen, thank you for listening.


nowt wrong with long tracks (or intros) especially once you've got a few more bits and pieces popping in and out. :)

by muddy i meant that a lot of the various sounds (mid and low) seem to "share" the same space and in the end the various elements don't seem to cut through. this is only my opion and it might me entirely the sound your going for but I would try eq'ing some of the various channels to seperate them up a little more.




The kick that comes in at 1.36 is so deep and full that it pushes away the bassline you had going there (though too softly), I think with EQíng you can allready fix a lot there. I also had the feel this track to really be starting at 3.20 That's when the track starts to grab me.

I would suggest (if it were my track) to cut down the bit till 3.20 and make that a minute so that the tracks builds quicker. There is plenty of room in the mid and high frequencies to add a good lead hook in there too, as that is what you are yet missing most, more then vocals alone can do I think.

Which plugs did you use and what host...

Ehm, said a lot, bot mostly I am saying I like this :)


Mystahr wrote:The kick that comes in at 1.36 is so deep and full that it pushes away the bassline you had going there (though too softly), I think with EQíng you can allready fix a lot there. I also had the feel this track to really be starting at 3.20 That's when the track starts to grab me.

I would suggest (if it were my track) to cut down the bit till 3.20 and make that a minute so that the tracks builds quicker. There is plenty of room in the mid and high frequencies to add a good lead hook in there too, as that is what you are yet missing most, more then vocals alone can do I think.

Which plugs did you use and what host...

Ehm, said a lot, bot mostly I am saying I like this :)
What happens at 1.36 is that the bassline is dropped an entire octave.

I definitely agree about building it quicker, even if it is a longer track the start is a litle too spread out.

Blaster78: ok I will look at that tonight and see what I think about seperating it up a bit. Thanks.

As for track hosts/vst, cubase sx 1 and mostly albino. I really love albino2.

Thanks again for your comments.

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