Kontakt 4 KSP - Check conditional "if-else-end if" template

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Hi everybody

Is there's some kind of generator or similar that gives all the possible combination of 3 elements, (the controls on the groups: volume, pan and tune)?
I'm getting crazy with this:

Code: Select all

if $group 0 has pan ON but is vol OFF on group 1, then do this; else if tune is ON on the same group, but if this other group is empty, do... etc
And also, something that recreate it visually on a text file or htm, something like this:
{gvol -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }
{gpan -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }
{gtune -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }

{gvol -> A=1, B=0, C=0 } {gvol -> A=1, B=1, C=0 }
{gpan -> A=0, B=0, C=0 } {gpan -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }
{gtune -> A=0, B=0, C=0 } {gtune -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }

{gvol -> A=0, B=0, C=0 } {gvol -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }
{gpan -> A=1, B=0, C=0 } {gpan -> A=1, B=1, C=0 }
{gtune -> A=0, B=0, C=0 } {gtune -> A=0, B=0, C=0 }



If you use Sublime Text along with SublimeKSP, there are snippets you can use (basically short templates called up by typing up a shortcut and pressing Tab) to quickly generate branches etc.


Yeah, I do use it. How I do configure that short templates? not sure if that is what I need, that seems like macros, and I looking some kind of diagram generator but thanks anyway.


There's no such thing.

Basically in SublimeKSP folder, check out the Snippets subfolder. You will see how to activate each one. So for example, if-else-if is typing "iei" and pressing Tab. Then you keep on filling condition and branches.


There used to be Sterling Castle (later Catalyst) Logic Gem. I still have an DOS copy on floppy disk. It would verify your decision table and generate C, FORTRAN or dBase code. Closest thing today might be Ccide:


Or Google with “decision table” in your terms for more software.

I imagine all of this is overkill though. Far better to just think it through with a pencil and paper.
Tranzistow Tutorials: http://vze26m98.net/tranzistow/
Xenakis in America: http://oneblockavenue.net


cturner wrote:There used to be Sterling Castle (later Catalyst) Logic Gem. I still have an DOS copy on floppy disk. It would verify your decision table and generate C, FORTRAN or dBase code. Closest thing today might be Ccide:


Or Google with “decision table” in your terms for more software.

I imagine all of this is overkill though. Far better to just think it through with a pencil and paper.
Thank you cturner, something like that is what I was looking for; a workflow diagram or "decision tree" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_tree. Anyway, that was more than overkill, hours and hours and it never seens to supply every situation... till that I found out that it can be solved with a double while loop in cascade :hyper: :lol:


You should also look at State Transistion Tables. Because you are required (and this is also true for decision tables) to account for the transistion from every state to every state, you are enforcing completeness.
Tranzistow Tutorials: http://vze26m98.net/tranzistow/
Xenakis in America: http://oneblockavenue.net

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