Need help with basics

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I used to use rapid composer version 1.xx and 2.xx, but to be honest, gave up years ago as I found it too confusing to use.

I bought v4 in the hope that it might be easier to use now, but unfortunately doing the most simple things elude me so far.

I am trying to use rapid composer to rapidly develop a chord progression, but so far I have been unable to get very far. I thought that the master track, the master chord track was designed so that everything else follows it. So I set up a simple 4 bar chord progression, with two of the chords (in bars 2 and 4) having a push, starting 1/8th of a beat ahead of the bar. Was able to figure out how to move the chords to 1/8th of a bar ahead by using shift-drag and shift-dragging the chord to an 8th ahead. So far so good. But obviously I want to hear my chord progression and that requires phrases to be populated on a track, true? Ideally I don't really want to start messing with phrases, as I am trying to compose, I am only interested in the chords and how the progression sounds. But I cannot hear the chords until I put in phrases on a track. But the thing is, I drag a chord generator phrase from the browser on the right to a track in the middle, but the phrases generated don't honour the master chord track at all. Why? In particular, the phrases generated don't respect the 1/8th pushes I have set up. Instead, the phrases all happen on the bar. Why? I have set up the chord master track explicitly to have 2 chords push 1/8th of a beat ahead. What is the use of the master track at all? The phrases don't seem to respect the chords on the master at all. Also, the phrases seem to follow their own rule. I have 2 bars out of the four bars that have 2 chords per bar, each lasting 2 beats, but the phrase generator again puts one phrase (that can't be split?) for the two chords.

I have scanned and rescanned the manual and can't find help on any of this. As a composer, I'd rather have a separate chord/song builder app. As soon as phrases get involved, it seems to not work as I hoped. I am not predominately trying to build cool phrases or motifs. I am trying just to build a chordal structure, but I don't know how to do that without having to populate a track with phrases, and as mentioned, the phrases completely disregard the chord master track structure.

I've also watched many hours of videos on Rapid Composer tonight, yet I can find nothing to help me here.

Thank you.


Actually, there is a "trick" you can use to accomplish that. Basically, you subdivide the chord to small parts in the rhythm, and then you add a join notes to it. The chord can now be dragged out, based on the rhythm divide size, but, acts as one chord... I call it the "yellukahn" technique..

Anyways, I think that is what you wanted..

to do it, drop a chord phrase on the track.. go to the rhythm tab and set the subdivision small, then open the variations tab and add a join notes to it to make it a full chord again. Now, when you drag and resize, it uses the subdivision as it's snapping. You could also add the join notes to the track variations, so that it affects the whole track, instead of on the phrase..

Don't forget to adjust the grid and snapping as well..


This is easy. Just add an empty track and press Ctrl-Shift-H to fill with the chords.


Any change in the master track chords will automatically update this track.

Please note: notes use the master track chord at the note starting position. If you have 1/4 notes but chords begin at 1/8 boundaries, notes will use the chord 1/8 before/after the chord change. No new notes will be created because of a chord change.

Yes, you can use Shift-drag to temporarily override the default Quarter Note snap for chords, or you can enable this setting: "Use 'Snap' for chord positions".

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Hi BluGenes and Attila,

thanks very much for the replies, I will try all of what is suggested later tonight when I have another go at Rapid Composer.

Are these things in the user guide? I noticed it was updated quite recently. Or is this sort of info available in various videos some of you created? It would be helpful to know, that way I can plan to either read the user guide in full, or watch as many videos as I can, rather than struggle in the dark, so to speak.

Thanks again.


Hi Justin (I knew it was you ;)) !

I don't think you need to read the whole user guide. It would be enough if you open the inspectors and see the settings and actions. The pop-up help is also useful. Right-click on a phrase/track/timeline/chord to open the inspectors.

E.g. you can find the 'fill with chords' item in the track inspector:

Basically it is the same as filling the track with Chord Generators, setting the note length to 1/8, enabling the magnet (for voice leading) and adding a 'join notes' variation to the track, so that you have a single note for the duration of the chord rather than many 1/8's.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Hi Attila,

thank you, that is helpful!

I do like Rapid Composer, I guess that in the past I couldn't figure out how to do stuff with it, so gave up back then. But the past few days has taught me to play around a lot with it, and so I think it has great potential, just not so easy initially I guess.

Anyway, I've got lots of useful things to try from this thread.

Cheers - Justin.

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