Manytone for EVE?

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I have EVE, and notice many libraries are shared provided for both EVE and Wusik. Curious to know if there's plans to make Manytone libraries for EVE?



Hi aldoofbanga

At this time our plans are to market our soundsets that are in ManyStation, with ManyStation only, and not as seperate soundsets available for Eve. You can however convert the soundsets to Eve format once you own them. But not the presets. Even if we did eventually offer seperately for Eve... there is so much content that we still could not sell for much cheaper than just buying the ManyStation and getting all the Hundreds of top presets that will ship with it. As we would have to redo all the presets etc ... it would be a big undertaking so no savings really over getting the entire ManyStation.

This is at this time ... Things may change though as we get a little more down the road. So don't take this as carved in stone. Maybe we'll see how things progress and what the users want.

They definately won't be any cheaper than what we are offering the Station for now during our Prebuy Special...
So if you want the soundsets ...I might suggest to get them now with the ManyStation Software included at $79.99. It's an incredible deal for all that!

Thanks for the interest :-)


Thanks mate, definitely interested, just trying not to have too many GUI's to deal with.

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