Problem (Fixed) VSTi host(s) to load Manystation

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This is a question for William K or Paul.
After putting the manystationvsti folder in
Tracktion>plugins>VSTplugins a dialog pops up asking for WusikEngine Data Folder and Traktion wont properly load MS

I then draged the ManyStationVSTi folder out of Traktion and I droped it into
Steinberg>Cubase VST>VSTplugins and the same thing happened when I fired up Cubase.

An open dialog box pops up with the heading
"Please, locate your WusikEngine data folder"
So I locate the ManyStation Data folder and there is no open option, I have select or cancel. If I click on any folder it just takes me to it's sub-folders. If I keep going I get an error message that reads: "Fatal Error can't read soundsets". So I just hit cancel as there is no folder named WusikEngine Data anywhere on my C:
drive.(other than the registry)

If I pull down Cubase VST Instruments. Manystation is not even listed, again just like Traktion.

This would seem to indicate that this is not a host-specific problem.

Any ideas?


Please, before anything, read the PDF file that is located over your Download-URL/VSTi. There it explains to you how to install the right way.

Also, check your registery to see if maybe you didn't have some "old" registery from Wusikstation DEMO version maybe? Delete this registery and install again.

Current-user\software\\wusikstation - key "DataDirectory"

And also

Current-user\software\wusikengine\wusikengine - key "DataDirectory"

Now install again.

Also, remember, keep DLL and INI files togueter.



Ok deleted all Wusik folders from my registry.

I have unistalled MSdata and MSVSTi and I'm clean.
So i will re-install and see what happens.
I will get back to you.


Dimwit wrote:Ok deleted all Wusik folders from my registry. I have unistalled MSdata and MSVSTi and I'm clean. So i will re-install and see what happens.
I will get back to you.
Thanks, maybe that helps. I should do something on the installer that will take care of that, but that will mean another 8 hour upload. :o



Dimwit wrote:Ok deleted all Wusik folders from my registry.

I have unistalled MSdata and MSVSTi and I'm clean.
So i will re-install and see what happens.
I will get back to you.
I was about to mail you again too
Read that PDF carefully



Ok, before we continue

This is what it says in the PDF concerning the ManyStationData.exe:
"The setup wizard is now ready to install the data. You will now see a screen headed “Ready to install” which will confirm where the files and shortcuts are going to be installed. Take a moment or two to confirm these are correct. If you want to make any changes, click on the “back” button and make the necessary changes. If you’re happy, then click on the “install” button. You will note that I have placed the data in a folder called “WusikEngine Data”. This installation step may take a while since all of the bin files are being converted into the data files you will use."
I did a search on my C drive. Nowhere is the a folder called WusikEngine Data. Do I have to type that in myself during install?

Now this is my default path:
Destination location:
C:\Program Files\ManyStation Data

Start Menu folder:\Manystation Data

I'm confused. I have re-installed. Now my registry has the folders: with a subfolder called Wusikstation AND
WusikEngine with a subfolder called WusikEngine

These are the exact folders I just removed before I re-installed.

Now I haven't fired up Tracktion yet but something tells me I will have the same problem, let me try and see if I'm right.

Oh BTW, this is the path for ManyStationVST

Destination location:
C:\Program Files\Tracktion\plugins\Vstplugins\Manystation VSTi

Start Menu folder:\Manystation VSTi


Yup, same damn problem :bang: :bang: :bang:
Tracktion automatically puts MS in the ignore VST window, when I rescan I get the "please locate your wusik engine data folder" dialog
What am I missing here? I'm being really careful.
What do I click when it asks for Wusik Engine Data Folder?

I keep getting fatal error no matter what I click.

The only discrepancy I can find when I compare Data files is this: The PDF has the MSdata.exe at 323 kb
On mine it's 324 KB (331,776 bytes). A difference of one kb
All the BIN files match in size.


you should have been able to click on ManyStation Data and then hit Select?

william ... any more ideas here for him to try?


Here is the size of ManyStationVST.exe
Size:3.81 MB (4,003,198 bytes)
Size on Disk:3.82 MB (4,005,888 bytes)


manytone wrote:you should have been able to click on ManyStation Data and then hit Select?

william ... any more ideas here for him to try?
That's the first thing I tried. Like I said it just opens up Manystation Data folder, and waits for me to select something else. If i click on
any folder i.e
FX banks, sounsets, skins, wseq files it opens their subfolders
it doesnt matter


I'm sorry to be so frustrted but It seems Im the only one having this problem.

I have a brand new system that I put together
Win XP ser pack 2
P4 2.8 ghz
Intel 865 chipset
512k ram
Abit MB

I have downloade 2 vstis into Traktion thus far
Sfz and DK+ with no problems.


Hey guys

Anybody authorized ManyStation in Traktion yet?

Hang in there it will work, you just are having a
:bang: day.


Anybody ?? Traktion?


manytone wrote:Hey guys

Anybody authorized ManyStation in Traktion yet?

Hang in there it will work, you just are having a
:bang: day.


Anybody ?? Traktion?
Ok Paul, but I tried it in Cubase as well and the exact scenario happened so I doubt it's Traktion.

Im also curious about that section of the PDF I cut and paste in the above post. Could you clarify that? Especially the "You will note that I have placed the data in a folder called “WusikEngine Data”. part
Last edited by Dimwit on Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


[quote="Dimwit"]I'm sorry to be so frustrted but It seems Im the only one having this problem.

Did you install the data files first, then the VSTi?

Hope you get it working. Riley


manytone wrote:Hey guys

Anybody authorized ManyStation in Traktion yet?

Hang in there it will work, you just are having a
:bang: day.


Anybody ?? Traktion?
I'll try it when I get home, I mainly use Live but I have Traktion too.

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