
Time+Space announces Ian Boddy's Waveforms series of download packs (Radiophonica and Airwaves)

12th November 2008

Time+Space has announced the launch of Waveforms, a brand new series of downloadable sample libraries from UK sound designer Ian Boddy who has been producing sample libraries since 1992. His work includes Ambient Volumes 1 & 2, Malice in Wonderland, Morphology, Analogue Sequencer Loops & Outer Limits for Zero-G and Transmission-X for Sample Magic. He has also provided patch & sample content for LinPlug, Camel Audio & Rob Papen Soundware.

The first 2 volumes from the Waveforms series - Airwaves and Radiophonica - are now available to download from the Time+Space Download store in Kontakt and WAV formats. Both titles have a RRP of £24.95 (Download only).

Radiophonica contains sounds produced and recorded directly from analogue hardware synthesisers. No digital processing other than a touch of EQ or compression where appropriate was used. The intention was to provide a library of sounds that are synonymous with the name of the Radiophonic Workshop from their early work on such seminal programs as Doctor Who.

Airwaves is the second title in Ian Boddy's Waveforms series of sample libraries. All the sounds were recorded using a high quality and powerful radio transceiver. This provided the raw data of strange garbled voices, buzzing interference patterns and hidden morse code signals that Boddy transformed into this sample pack.

KVR Audio, Inc.