
Teragon Audio releases KickMaker v2.0 and MissWatson v1.0

14th November 2008

Teragon Audio has released version 2.0 of KickMaker, the kick-drum synth, and version 1.0 final of MissWatson, the command line debug / test host.

KickMaker v2.0
KickMaker v2.0 does away with the registration screen and now features selectable wave types for each oscillator. There are also lots of little improvements and optimizations around the plugin.

MissWatson v1.0
There are numerous improvements to this version. Long-time users of MissWatson will notice that the command line syntax has changed also (run "MissWatson -help" if you get stuck). This will be the last release of MissWatson.

KVR Audio, Inc.