
Haunted House releases Electronic Critters 2: Airwaves [WAV]

19th November 2008

Haunted House has announced the release of Electronic Critters 2: Airwaves. The sequel to the original Electronic Critters, Airwaves captures radiophonic ambience and ghostly spectral frequencies and twists them beyond recognition to create a unique set of other-worldly samples.

Ideal for all electronic genres, especially where there is a need to add ambience, fx or just inspiring source material to make into new loops, Airwaves also makes an ideal collection for foley edits in TV and film.

Electronic Critters 2: Airwaves features 277 sounds organised into 63 named folders comprising 1.87 GB samples. All sounds are supplied as 24-bit 44.1Khz Wav files.

Pricing & Availability

The library is available on DVD from hauntedhouserecords.co.uk for £19.99 or as a download from Sample Magic's new download portal Sounds/To/Sample.

This is the sequel to the Electronic Critters library that was based on raw and processed circuit bending sounds. Currently, if you buy both DVDs from Haunted House Records you get 20% off the price, bringing it to £31.99.

KVR Audio, Inc.