
Waves releases the Dorrough Meter Collection

25th November 2008

Dorrough Meter CollectionDorrough Meter CollectionDorrough Meter Collection

Waves has announced the release of the Dorrough Meter Collection, a new plug-in bundle that features models of Dorrough's most popular loudness meters: 280D/240D, 380D/340D, and 40AES/EBU. Developed in association with Dorrough Electronics, they provide precision loudness monitoring for every conceivable audio scenario. As Input Meters to attain optimal recording levels, as Group/Auxiliary Meters to achieve optimal group loudness, or as Master Output meters, the Waves Dorrough Meters do it all.



Pricing & Availability

Priced at $500, the Dorrough Meter Collection is available in TDM, RTAS, VST and AU plug-in formats for Windows and Mac OS X. Users of Waves Mercury covered by Waves Update Plan receive The Waves Dorrough Meter Collection at no additional charge.

KVR Audio, Inc.