
Five12 releases Numerology 2 Beta 31 (+two new Tutorial Videos)

4th December 2008

Five12 has announced the release of Beta 31 of Numerology 2. In addition to the usual selection of fixes and updates, new features include a sample-based DrumKit synthesizer module. Five12 has also posted the first pair of a new series of online tutorial videos.

The Numerology 2 DrumKit module is a sample-based percussion synthesizer integrated into Numerology2. It is a drum/percussion oriented counterpoint to the polyphonic AudioSample module already included in Numerology 2.

Drum Kit Features:

Numerology Techniques Tutorial Videos
The new series of online tutorial videos is called "Numerology Techniques" and focuses on step-by-step examples of using Numerology in specific musical contexts. The first video, subtitled "Getting Started" covers the basics of sequencing with Numerology. The second video, subtitled "Ambient Counterpoint", expands on the first with a detailed example of ambient composition using Numerology modules.

KVR Audio, Inc.