
FX Teleport released

21st July 2003

FX Teleport.com has released FX Teleport – "a unique and revolutionary DAW networking solution".

With FX Teleport it's not only possible, but also very easy to setup a DAW on multiple computers connected via TCP/IP LAN. Working with FX Teleport is as easy as launching a VST host on one machine and VST instruments and FX on the other(s) and enjoying the newly configured audio processing farm. One can even dedicate a whole computer to a favourite VSTi.

Why may one need FX Teleport:

FX Teleport features:

Pricing and Availability:

FX Teleport for Windows 98/ME/2k/XP is released and available immediately for $79 / Eu79 for 1 host + 1 FX server configuration. A 14-day trial version is available.

KVR Audio, Inc.