
EastWest announces the EastWest/Quantum Leap Complete Composers Collection PLAY Edition

1st April 2009

Music, TV, film and game composers will now have access to some of EastWest's PLAY-powered virtual instruments all in one package with the Complete Composers Collection PLAY Edition, which is making its industry debut at Musikmesse 2009 (Hall 5.1, Walkway A, Stand 71).

The EastWest/Quantum Leap Complete Composers Collection features seven of the company's most popular virtual instrument collections along with the company's 64-bit (with 32-bit compatibility) PLAY Sample engine all in one bundle for about 50% off the separate retail price.

Virtual instrument libraries featured in Complete Composers Collection PLAY Edition include:

EastWest/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold PLAY Edition: recorded in a 125 million dollar concert hall by Grammy-winning classical recording engineer Prof. Keith O. Johnson, this virtual instrument edition eclipses all others with the highest level of fidelity and realism. Now with the PLAY sample engine, users have access to features such as an intelligent performance section, including portamento, repetition, and legato, round robin reset, state-of-the-art convolution reverb with pre-delay and an intelligent release trail engine that follows note-on samples volume at all times.

EastWest/Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs PLAY Edition: the first virtual instrument to offer complete control over a choir's words and sound. Symphonic Choirs is the first choir virtual instrument to include three simultaneous stereo mic setups (close, stage and hall), so users can mix any combination of mic positions to control ambience. With EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs PLAY Edition running off of PLAY, users will be able to experience perfect harmony between PLAY and the collection's WordBuilder software. PLAY aids with the setup process of WordBuilder, making it easier for users to take full advantage of this feature.

Quantum Leap Goliath: the sequel to Colossus. Quantum Leap Goliath encompasses the entire Colossus collection plus 8 Gigabytes of new content. Users now have more than 180 high-quality instruments and more than 600 patches including drums and percussion, guitars, basses, acoustic and electric pianos, keyboards and mallets, pop brass, orchestral instruments, choirs and vocals, ethnic instruments, new age ensembles, morphing atmospheres, synth basses, synth leads, and synth pads—all at their disposal. As part of the additional content, Goliath features the full collections of sounds from the EW/PMI Bösendorfer 290 Piano collection.

Quantum Leap Ra PLAY Edition: one of the largest and most detailed collections of ethnic instruments from six areas of the world: Africa, Americas and Australia; Europe, Far East, Middle East and the Turkish Empire; and India. Every instrument and ensemble was sampled extensively so that the character of each instrument is preserved. For the first time with Quantum Leap RA "PLAY" EDITION, users will have more control over the sounds offered in the collection along with the ability to load even more instruments than ever before. These options allow for additional expression – a key element when working with ethnic instruments.

Quantum Leap Stormdrum 2: the sequel to Stormdrum. Packed with over 12 GBs of percussion, SD2 – The Next Generation draws from the secret collections of three world-class percussionists, offering some of the most amazing multi-sampled percussion imaginable. For the maximum customization without sound degradation, SD2 – The Next Generation delivers MIDI performances created with Roland V-Drums and Zendrum percussion controllers.

EastWest/Quantum Leap Pianos Gold PLAY Edition: the most detailed collection of the world's finest grand pianos. More than half a million dollars' worth of pianos are included in this collection, all meticulously recorded by EastWest/Quantum Leap producers Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix. These include a $225,000 Bechstein D-280 Concert Grand, the same kind of piano engineer/producer Ken Scott used to record Elton John, David Bowie, and Supertramp. EastWest invited Scott to engineer the Bechstein's close-miced recordings to provide users with a cutting, dynamic pop/rock piano sound, in addition to the variety of other piano sounds included in the collection. Other pianos featured in the library include a Steinway D Concert Grand, a Bösendorfer 290 Concert Grand and a Yamaha C7. This new Gold Edition includes one mic position, and will run faster on slower computers than the full 3 mic version.

Quantum Leap Voices of Passion: a virtual instrument of female vocalists from Wales, Syria, India, Bulgaria and America. Voices of Passion features five outstanding professional female artists singing vowels, words, morphing vowels, effects, phrases, calls, whispers and breath noises.

"The Complete Composers Collection PLAY Edition spans many musical genres and instrument sounds making it an affordable way for users to round out their sound collection," says EastWest Founder and Producer Doug Rogers. "With all virtual instruments in this bundle incorporating our PLAY sample engine, users will also have access to the highest in sonic quality and performance."


The EastWest/Quantum Leap Complete Composers Collection PLAY Edition retails for €1195.

KVR Audio, Inc.