
Vienna Symphonic Library announces Vienna Ensemble PRO and Vienna Suite v1.1 (incl. new Convolution Reverb)

1st April 2009

Vienna Symphonic Library announces Vienna Ensemble PRO and Vienna Suite v1.1 (incl. new Convolution Reverb)

At Musikmesse, Frankfurt, Hall 5.1 (A76), the Vienna Symphonic Library team has announced Vienna Suite 1.1 and Vienna Ensemble PRO and is also showing the much-anticipated Vienna MIR, the largest sampled piano ever seen, the Vienna Imperial, as well as the Vienna Instruments range.

Vienna Suite 1.1
The first major Vienna Suite update will soon be boosted with more than 300 additional Presets for all kinds of Vienna Instruments. Tailor-made expert settings will be added in the categories of Compressor, Equalizer, Master Equalizer, Multiband, and PowerPan.

Convolution ReverbWhat's more, an all-new Convolution Reverb will soon be part of the bundle. This 64-bit plug-in offers "True Stereo" 4 channel processing of impulse responses. Its advanced impulse manipulation, including a sophisticated decorrelation algorithm, allows for rich, lush and spacious atmospheres. The plug-in will include selected sets of exclusive impulse responses, coming from esteemed audio experts such as Numerical Sound.

Because of this major enhancement, the price of Vienna Suite 1.1 will go up on May 16. However, this update of Vienna Suite will be available as a FREE download to all existing users, and it will maintain its current price for new customers through May 15, 2009.

Convolution Reverb Features:

Vienna Ensemble PRO
The Vienna Symphonic Library introduces a major upgrade to its MIDI and audio LAN solution Vienna Ensemble 3, changing its name to Vienna Ensemble PRO.

The industry took notice when Vienna's software developers first created a MIDI and audio cross-platform network solution that can incorporate both Macs and PCs into an integrated "super-system", using a simple Ethernet cable. Now, Vienna Ensemble PRO will offer 3rd party plug-in hosting. Users will be able to instantiate their favorite VST/AU sample players and virtual instruments from other companies alongside Vienna Instruments, and add any VST/AU effect plug-ins they choose to their mix – 32-bit or 64-bit – all in one interface.

Another important feature is the new Preserve function. Now it's possible to keep one's templates and instruments loaded while switching from one project to another. Users can disconnect their DAW host from Vienna Ensemble PRO, bring up a new song in their sequencer, and re-connect – all the samples and instruments remain loaded, which will speed up the work-flow significantly. The mixer automation and an improved GUI design round out the new features of Vienna Ensemble PRO.

The update will soon be available in the download section of Vienna's web shop. Registered users of Vienna Ensemble 3 will be able to upgrade FREE of charge.

KVR Audio, Inc.