
Sample Logic releases WaterHarp for Kontakt

3rd April 2009

Sample Logic has announced the release of WaterHarp for Kontakt.

WaterHarp is a collection of 300 instruments making it the most comprehensive waterphone library to date, according to Sample Logic. Weighing in at almost 1.8 Gigabytes, WaterHarp not only includes ready-to-play, acoustically sampled, Waterphone ensembles, but also dives heavily into the world of score-ready morphed instruments.

Instrument categories include:

For years, the waterphone has been heard throughout film and television, and is regarded as the "Matrix-Effect" by many. Not only does this library contain traditional samples of the waterphone instrument, but goes way beyond by morphing the signature Waterphone sound, creating new organic instruments.

This WaterHarp library delivers "Mind-bending ambiences, Suspenseful tension building stingers, Tempo-synced percussive rhythms, and Explosive score-ready impact textures". Sample Logic says that this library is a must have addition for all film, TV, and game composers. WaterHarp is designed to streamline your workflow with its well-organized genre specific instruments and performance-ready interface. With WaterHarp, you will spend less time searching and more time creating.

WaterHarp is a 1.8 GB direct download and contains:

WaterHarp costs $49.99 and is delivered as a Kontakt formatted sample library (i.e. you must own the latest full version of Kontakt 2 or 3 already).

KVR Audio, Inc.