
Winners of the NI giveaway

25th August 2003

I know this has been a bit delayed but we are finally happy to announce the winners of our recent Native Instruments Reaktor / Vokator giveaway. Thanks to Native Instruments for supplying the prizes and thanks to everyone that entered, and there were a lot of you, our most popular contest by entries so far.

Unsurprisingly a whopping 60% of you prefer CD Check on installation/update as your preferred form of copy protection, followed by 20% liking Challenge/Response, 12% Standard USB Dongle, 4% iLok Dongle, 3% CD Check (Random) and 1% Pace InterLok (??).

The winners were chosen at random, they are:
  1. Jan Kubný (Czech Republic) - wins Reaktor 4.
  2. Walter Augusto Osório Jr (Brasil) - wins Reaktor Session.
  3. Boryslaw Paulewicz (Poland) - wins Vokator.
However, whilst Walter and Boryslaw now have Reaktor Session and Vokator respectively I'm still awaiting Jan's e-mail confirmation of mailing address to send the prize. Jan, if you are reading please reply to my e-mail or send a new one to feedback@kvr-vst.com, if anyone else out there knows Jan please contact them and let them know they are a winner :)

KVR Audio, Inc.