
AcmeBarGig releases Whisper Tube and Preampus Brain

22nd July 2009

AcmeBarGig has released yet another two free amp plug-ins: Whisper Tube and Preampus Brain. As usual, both are available for Windows as VST effect plug-ins.

Whisper TubeBased on Whisper, AcmeBarGig's clean amp model, Whisper Tube features a 12AU7 tube to warm up the sound. By driving the tube using the "Tube Gain" knob (located above the master volume control), gives Whisper Tube tones ranging from a perfectly pure clean to a smooth, creamy overdrive, designed for lower-gain tones, in particular blues leads and crisp chords. By turning down the "Tube Gain" knob, you can still get the piezo-like tones from the original Whisper.


Preampus BrainA slight departure from many of AcmeBarGig's previous amplifier models, Preampus Brain was designed to produce a vintage British tone. Rather than cloning one specific amplifier model, AcmeBarGig decided to take their favorite features from several different amps and combine them into one model. Preampus Brain yields tones ranging from classic '60s crunch to the roar of a modded '70s stack.


KVR Audio, Inc.