
ExperimentalScene updates DarkWave Studio, AntiAlias, DGenR8 and SpatialVerb to v2.9.3

18th August 2009

ExperimentalScene has updated DarkWave Studio, AntiAlias, DGenR8 and SpatialVerb to v2.9.3.

Changes in DarkWave Studio since v2.9.0:

The most important change is the use of 64-bit double precision floating point audio data throughout DarkWave Studio and it's associated instrument and effect plug-ins.

AntiAlias, DGenR8 and SpatialVerb v2.9.2
In version v2.9.2 all the plug-ins in DarkWave and as separate VST plug-ins have been revamped with new artwork and faster graphics performance than before. Also, 64 Bit Double Precision Floating Point Audio Processing was added in v2.9.1. These VST Plug-ins will now perform 64-bit processing always, with SSE2 instructions where available, but convert input and output to 32-bit single precision floating point data on VST hosts which don't support double precision processing. As of version 2.9.3, the license terms for all plug-ins has been changed to ExperimentalScene Freeware License.

KVR Audio, Inc.