
PC Publishing releases Cubase 5 Tips and Tricks by Keith Gemmell

21st August 2009

PC Publishing has announced the release of Cubase 5 Tips and Tricks, a new book by Keith Gemmell. It's available now priced at £9.95 (ISBN 978-1-906005-139).

Here's the press blurb:

Cubase 5 is undoubtedly one of the most powerful MIDI and audio production environments around – but are you realising its full potential? This highly readable book is crammed with practical 'insider' tips and tricks on using the program creatively.

Keep it by you as you work. You'll find it not only a great companion for troubleshooting and advice but also a source of inspiration. Discover the art of recording, arranging, editing, using plug-ins and VST instruments, processing audio and mixing – all within the realms of Cubase 5.

Cubase 5 contains some amazingly cool new features and we've investigated them all to provide you with up-to-the-minute info on LoopMash, Groove Agent ONE, Beat Designer, VariAudio, PitchCorrect, REVerence, VST Expression and many more.

Author Keith Gemmell is a UK music technology writer and contributes monthly to Music Tech Magazine. He also publishes educational sheet music and audio products from his busy Internet site.

KVR Audio, Inc.