
Centipeak releases ProTrig - Drum-Trigger Plug-in

11th September 2009

Centipeak has announced the release of ProTrig, a new drum-trigger plug-in which is designed to transform audio input into drums and percussion (through MIDI notes) in real-time, supporting all MIDI-compatible virtual instruments.

ProTrig ProTrig

ProTrig is perfect for replacing/enhancing the sound of recorded/monitored real drums. Using only a few basic settings like threshold, interval (wait time) and hit resistance any punchy sound can also very easily be turned into drums. Several drums with one microphone is possible using the built-in filter.

Main features:

Pricing & Availability

Priced at $69 ($86.25 incl. sales tax), ProTrig is available as a VST effect plug-in for Windows.

KVR Audio, Inc.