
URS announces Phat C (Compressor) and releases Public Beta

11th January 2010

URS has announced the release of a Public Beta of its new compressor plug-in, Phat C, a multi-purpose analog-sounding compressor for individual tracks and buses that replicates characteristics of not one but many hardware compressors.

Phat CPhat C's Input Stage adds saturation to color and effect the compressor's response to different program material. Six saturation models recreate vintage harmonics and soft clipping that effect transients before compression. A "Spank" mode is included for those that need to "spank their transients even harder".


Pricing & Availability

Phat C is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST, AU and RTAS plug-in formats. It has an MSRP of $249.99 but is currently available for the introductory Public Beta period offer pricing of $99.99 until the end of January, 2010. A 10-day demo is available (iLok required).

KVR Audio, Inc.