
DETUNIZED releases "Hamm and Eggs" Live Pack

26th August 2010

DETUNIZED has announced the release of Hamm and Eggs, a new Live Pack for Ableton Live.

Hamm and Eggs is an advanced emulation of a Hammond B2 organ with retrofitted Trek II TP-2B percussion module. For maximum flexibility the Live Pack offers two different adaptations - Type A focuses on instant access to more common groups of parameters while Type B has mapped the organ's drawbars to distinct macro controls.

All registers as well as the percussion module are based on discrete 2-channel sample sets. Channel 1 includes the sound of the organ's line out while channel 2 provides the sound of a Leslie 251 cabinet. All components and all registers can be mixed on demand.

Furthermore this Live Pack contains four organ-like devices. Their samples are the result of several audio processing steps on tape noises, a passing helicopter, and a group of trumpeters performing on Carls Bridge in Praha.

The price is €4.98 (subscription) / €6.78 (instant buy).

KVR Audio, Inc.