
Crossfade Loop Synth v1.2 & Additive Synth v1.0 released

13th February 2004

Expert Sleepers have updated Crossfade Loop Synth to v1.2 and also released a new free open source AU project - Additive Synth, which unsurprisingly, is an additive synth.

New in Crossfade Loop Synth v1.2: Additive Synth v1.0

Additive Synth is a simple additive synth plug-in. It is a native XCode project, and should be a useful reference for anyone trying to get started writing virtual instruments in AU format.

The controls are very simple. As well as volume and envelope attack/release controls, there are level controls for eight sine wave oscillators. These are fixed at multiples of the base frequency. The effect is therefore a very simple implementation of 'additive synthesis' - where complex waveforms are created by summing simple ones.

KVR Audio, Inc.