
Sinevibes releases Drift - Fractal Amplifier

1st February 2011

Sinevibes has announced the release of Drift, a new AudioUnit effect plug-in for Mac OS X that applies infinitely-changing modulation onto sound level.

drift.pngDrift features a chaotic modulation generator that produces endlessly developing waveforms which are unique per each audio channel, and have controllable speed, smoothness and intensity. This chaotic waveform is then applied onto the sound level and allows you to create various stereoscopic effects like pan fluctuation, ever-changing crossfades, and random tremolo.

Combined with a very simple interface, Drift allows you to easily bring life into static sounds.

Drift features:

Pricing and Availability

Drift costs $19. It is compatible with Mac OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard (32-/64-bit Intel and Power PC).

User manual, audio examples and Drift demo version download are all available at the Sinevibes website.

KVR Audio, Inc.