
Applied Acoustics Systems updates free Swatches sound bank for AAS Player

15th February 2011

Applied Acoustics Systems has updated the free Swatches sound bank compilation for the AAS Player plug-in with 8 new presets from the 30.8676 Hz bass-oriented sound bank based on the Ultra Analog VA-1 analog synthesizer engine.

Bringing the collection to 48 patches picked from Analog Essentials, Ultra FX, Starlight, Journeys, Entangled Species, and now 30.8676 Hz, Swatches is a great source of sounds as well as a fun and easy way to test drive AAS' sound bank titles.

The Swatches sounds bank is available now for free. The download package includes the free AAS Player plug-in. The AAS Player plug-in runs on both Windows and Mac OS X and supports the VST and Audio Unit plug-in formats.

KVR Audio, Inc.