
Imperfect Samples releases Steinway 1908 Walnut Concert Grand Piano (Plug-in, Kontakt & EXS)

27th April 2011

Imperfect Samples has released the Steinway 1908 Walnut Concert Grand, a 24 bit multi-sampled imperfect concert grand piano. Including 4 microphone perspectives, modelled sympathetic resonance, sampled resonance harmonics, half-pedalling, true staccato and true crotchet articulations, piano effects, piano body wood knocks, and lid sounds, this instrument totals over 54GB of data.

extreme.1303863001.jpgAs with all imperfect samples' instruments, the emphasis is placed on a realistic and imperfect performance. The sounds of the fingers tapping the ivory keys, the pedal, subtle mechanical sounds, keys hitting the felt above the keyboard, have all been recorded, in order to preserve as much of a life-like performance as possible. This is what is referred to as "imperfect".

Over a century old, this Steinway Walnut Concert Grand sounds warm and organic, and is suitable for situations where an intimate and full-bodied concert grand sound is required. With 4 diverse microphone perspectives, the Steinway Walnut Concert Grand is essentially 4 grand pianos in one.

One of the major benefits of Imperfect Samples' Steinway, is its additional microphone perspectives. Microphone perspective 1 was recorded from the player's perspective, for a natural, mellow sound. Perspective 2 was recorded inside the lid, for a clean brighter sound. Perspective 3 was recorded 4 metres away from the grand, to capture a wet room sound. Perspective 4 was recorded underneath the body with pickups, for a dry, wide, bright sound. These four microphone perspectives provide very different sounds, but have identical start times, which means this sample library can be mixed like a live grand piano.

This is the first imperfect sample library to feature the IS Advanced Engine, a Kontakt interface with modelled sympathetic resonance and a variety of live controls.


Pricing & Availability

Steinway Walnut Concert Grand is available as a self-contained plug-in, powered by the Imperfect Samples Player for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (VST/AU), and as EXS and Kontakt format sample libraries.

It is provided in 4 versions as a compressed direct download, and on a Hard Disk. DVDs available subject to stock:

  1. Steinway Walnut Concert Grand (Basic): 6GB - £39.99
  2. Steinway Walnut Concert Grand (Pro): 12GB - £89.98
  3. Steinway Walnut Concert Grand (Complete): 30GB - £129.97
  4. Steinway Walnut Concert Grand (Extreme): 55GB - £199.96

KVR Audio, Inc.