
Elemental Arts releases Analog Universe - Memories sfz library for Alchemy, Rapture and Dimension Pro

5th July 2011

Elemental Arts has released Analog Universe – Memories, a new synthesizer sound source / patch library for Alchemy, Rapture and Dimension Pro.

Analog Universe – Memories is a sample library for all sfz capable VST/AU synthesizers and samplers. It includes pre-prepared patches for Camel Audio Alchemy, Cakewalk Rapture and Dimension Pro synthesizers for ease of use. The multi-sample sfz sounds in the library are recorded from Elemental Arts custom patches for the Alesis A6 Andromeda analog synthesizer.

The sounds are intended to be classic analog synthesizer sounds suitable for composing music to picture as well as electronic, dance, pop and rock music styles.


The library includes 291 sfz files and over 6000 samples for total of 2.04 GB sample content. Wave data format: wav, 48kHz, 24-bit, mono.

Price: 79.99 EUR (including 19% VAT).

KVR Audio, Inc.