
XILS-lab releases Synthix

25th July 2011

XILS-lab has announced availability of Synthix, its third soft synth plug-in.

Synthix is a Mac and Windows compatible virtual recreation of the much-sought-after Synthex, a lush-sounding, 1982-vintage, eight-voice programmable analogue polysynth (independently designed by Mario Maggi and built by Italian home-organ manufacturer Elka).

Synthex was much beloved by synth luminaries of day, such as Jean-Michel Jarre, whose well-known Laser Harp performances still emanate exclusively from a Synthex patch produced by one-time UK demonstrator/programmer Paul Wiffen (audible in isolation in 'Second Rendez-Vouz' on Jarre's multi-million-copy-selling Rendez-Vouz album of 1986).

As a virtual analogue synthesizer, Synthix successfully combines now-standard analogue features with several new and exciting ones:

A wide range of sounds - from straightforward recreations of vintage or modern analogue synths to more complex patches - can be created using Simple Mode Edit or easy-to-operate Split and Layer modes; Synthix is bundled with more than 250-plus presets produced by a talented team of notable sound designers (including Paul Wiffen, Kelvin Ford, Cliff Douse, Kire, Lotuzia, Peter Schelfhout, Soundsdivine, Tzadi, Ingo Weidner, Adam Borseti and Vivolator).

Pricing & Availability

Synthix costs for €169 (incl. VAT for EU countries) and is available for Mac OS X (10.3.9+) and Windows (XP, Vista, and 7) in AU, VST and RTAS instrument plug-in formats.

XILS-lab Synthix is also available in a bundle with Kromalaser, a real, easy to use, easy to install, Laser Harp.

Until August 31st, 2011, a launch offer is running featuring a saving of 30%.

KVR Audio, Inc.