
Ableton updates Live to v8.2.5

23rd August 2011

Ableton has updated Live to version 8.2.5, which introduces compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. This update is available as a free download for all owners of Live Lite 8, Live Intro, Live 8 and Suite 8.

Improvements and feature changes:

Bug fixes:

Known issue: As of 10.7, Java is no longer installed by default on Mac OS X. In addition, there is a bug that can cause applications that require Java to crash. This affects Max for Live; when a user tries to open a M4L device that requires Java, first Max, and then Live, will crash. Ableton have worked on a fix for this on their side, which is available in this latest build, but the fix is not yet available in Max. Cycling '74 will release a Max update shortly with the fix. For now, users with Max for Live should install Java separately if it is required by their devices, to avoid the crash.

KVR Audio, Inc.