
Tek'it Audio releases Kutter 2 Frequency Cutter

1st September 2011

Tek'it Audio has released version 2.0 of Kutter, the frequency cutter plug-in.

Kutter 2 brings frequency cutter effects far beyond the first Kutter VST plug-in. With a totally new user interface bringing a largely improved modulation sequencer at the center of the work-flow, from 8 to 128 steps synced to a DAW and many other improvements Kutter 2 to help create amazing trance gate, fading and chop effects.

Kutter 2 come with full MIDI automation support, easy MIDI learn on all parameters, 128 presets by Justin O'Quinn (EDM producer) and Tek'it Audio, one click preset randomize and numbers of other features.

Feature highlights:

Price: 26 EUR / $38 USD. The upgrade from Kutter is free for existing customers.

KVR Audio, Inc.