
Steinberg updates Cubase to v6.0.4 (hotfix)

9th September 2011

Steinberg has released a version 6.0.4 hotfix update for its music recording and production systems, Cubase 6, Cubase Artist 6 and Cubase Elements 6.

The 6.0.4 update addresses the following issues:

Please note that this hotfix update is an immediate response to issues reported by customers. In order to make these improvements available as soon as possible, the update wasn't able to go through Steinberg's entire quality assurance process, although the internal preliminary testing indicates that it is stable and reliable. For this reason, technical support cannot be granted and installation is done at your own risk. The next fully supported 6.0.5 maintenance update will include all of the above listed improvements plus several more.

KVR Audio, Inc.