
TriTone Digital releases ColorTone v2.0 for Mac

29th September 2011

TriTone Digital has released version 2.0 of ColorTone for Mac OS X in VST, AU and RTAS formats. It costs €89.

ColorTone-Pro is a Tone Box which simulates the signal path of analog devices through the use of convolution and various proprietary non-linear processes. ColorTone-Pro is designed to provide analog-like character and flavor to the modern digital audio workstation.

ColorTone-Pro comes with a collection of classic studio models, including samples from world-class tape machines, EQs and mixing consoles.

ColorTone-Pro also allows you to load your own samples (instructions for sampling your own equipment are included) and provides you with our custom-coded Warmth algorithm to enhance the signal-path with extra harmonic goodness.

Additionally, ColorTone-Pro allows you to multiply the color of the selected circuit, increasing the color from the standard character to several times the original color.


New in v2.0:

KVR Audio, Inc.