
Sinevibes releases Diffusion AudioUnit Synthesizer Plug-in

21st September 2011

Sinevibes has announced the release of Diffusion, its very first instrument plug-in which has been especially developed for creating rich motion sounds.

Diffusion's unique synthesizer engine combines additive oscillators and waveshaping models with an advanced matrix sequencer that allows for over 400 different parameter combinations per step. All this being accessible via an intuitive interface makes Diffusion an extremely capable tool for producing animated synths and basses which have incredible density and character while being clean and warm at the same time.

"To create synth and bass parts required for today's electronic music styles, producers often need to layer multiple plugins and do a lot of post-processing." - says Artemiy Pavlov, founder and chief developer at Sinevibes. "With Diffusion alone, they can now create very complex motion instruments with a lot of liveliness and character, enjoying an extremely fun-to-use interface while at it."

Diffusion features:

Pricing & Availability

Diffusion is immediately available as an AudioUnit plug-in for $59. It requires Mac OS 10.5 or later, and a 32- or 64-bit AudioUnit instrument host application that supports Cocoa user interface technology.

Audio examples, user manual and demo version download for Diffusion can be found at the Sinevibes website.

KVR Audio, Inc.