
Yellow Tools Majestic released

1st May 2004

Yellow Tools Majestic is now shipping.

Majestic is designed to be the ultimate bass instrument und contains a whopping 16GB sound library with basses in the following categories:

You can play Majestic's e-basses with different playing styles - fingered, fingered muted, thumb, slapped, picked and picked muted, and in addition with the playing techniques - long notes, vibrato notes, short notes, ghosts, tappings, hammer-ons, 8th notes, slow slides, fast slides, back slides, fret noises, FX... everything with up to 8 velocity splits per note. To achieve even more authentic e-bass performances, the instruments were recorded in two different scales.

The sound engine features:

Majestic is available for Windows 98+ & Mac OS9/X in VST, DX, AU, RTAS and stand alone formats with an RRP of 399 EUR.

A demo version is not yet available but should be ready soon.

Yellow Tools are offering cross-grade options if you already own their Pure E-Basses library. Also, owners of Culture can buy a "Loyalty Edition" version of Majestic for only 299 EUR.

KVR Audio, Inc.