
XLN Audio Lowers Prices on Addictive Drums, MIDI Paks and Kitpiece Paks

5th March 2012

XLN Audio, the makers of Addictive Drums, has announced new sweeping price changes on a majority of their line including Addictive Drums, all MIDI paks and Kitpiece Paks. The price changes took effect March 1, 2012.

Addictive Drums new street price will be $149/149€, an effective 30% reduction. The MIDI paks new pricing structure will be $19/9€ while the Kit Piece Paks will all be sold at $7/7€.

XLN Audio's co-founder Lars Erlandsson stated the reason for the change was a response to user feedback. "Our users range from industry leaders such as Max Martin and Trent Reznor to people just getting their start in music. Our company is made up of musicians and our goal in creating products is not only to create the best product available but also products that we use. By lowering our prices, we are now opening up the Addictive Drums platform to more people. Everyone should be able to have great sounding drums in their session."

Erlandsson also stated that 2012 was going to be a year of many exciting changes and innovations at XLN and that there will be many forthcoming announcements in the future.

KVR Audio, Inc.