
Boulanger Labs releases csGrain for iPad

29th March 2012

Boulanger Labs has released csGrain, the first in a new line of innovative and imaginative Csound-based audio tools for the iPad.

csGrain is a real-time audio processing and recording tool that lets you create new sounds and new musical textures by transforming your voice, your instrument, or your favorite songs from your iTunes library in subtle or dramatic ways - all with the power of CSOUND.

Under the hood is a stereo granular sound processor and 10 additional professional audio effects – all realized through a single Csound orchestra that is simultaneously: rendering, processing, sampling, resampling, synthesizing, resynthesizing, playing, reversing, delaying, triggering, gating, compressing, limiting, chorusing, flanging, echoing, filtering, pitch-shifting, harmonizing, granulizing, and recording – in any combination – all in real-time, and all 100% being done with the power and exquisite sound quality of CSOUND - the powerful software synthesizer and signal processor.


Price: $9.99.

Watch csGrain Trailer on Vimeo

KVR Audio, Inc.