
Dance MIDI Samples releases Ronei Leite Sweep FX for discoDSP Discovery Pro

4th April 2012

Dance MIDI Samples has released Sweep FX, created by producer and sound designer Ronei Leite, for discoDSP's Discovery Pro.

Sweep FX features 120 special FX designed to "spice" up productions. The FX include 'uplifter' and 'downlifter' effect samples to both accentuate and create smoother transitions between sections of tracks.

The download also includes 120 Discovery Pro FX presets featuring a selection of tones designed to be used in conjunction with synth parameters such as filter cutoff, FM & LFO rate to create sweeping effects.

Format: WAV FX Pack & Synth Sound Bank.


Price: £19.99 / €23.99 directly from Dance MIDI Samples.

KVR Audio, Inc.