
Herve Noury releases Dazibao - Draw Your Sounds (Mac App and AU)

11th May 2012

Herve Noury recently released Dazibao, a synthesizer for Mac OS X that allows you to just draw your sounds.

It comes in two parts: the editor, called Dazibao.app, costs $28.99 on the Mac App store and allows you to create tones, patches and sound banks. It includes a default sound generator to help you discover the possibilities of this music synthesizer. Dazibao is also an Audio Unit, called DazibaoAU, that you can use with the application, or with your favorite host sequencer. You'll need to download it separately, but a menu in the application will help you to do so.

Dazibao - Just Draw Your Sounds

Define several colors of the sound: with few clicks, using colors and graphs, program waveform, filtering, detune and vibrato, pan and volume, space and noise level. With this ergonomic interface it is intuitive and fast to create a color for the sound. Then combine these colors in pads, keys or in the sequencer for unique musical features.

With the Pad editor, combine these colors around a circle : then, with the joystick, you will have the possibility to play and mix your tones as you wish immediately. An organ becomes a bell, then a string pad, then...

With the Key editor, combine these colors on several time lines : each MIDI note can have its own "sound story" if you need. Then you will have created an extraordinary and complex patch which includes several tones moving in time and from the basses to the trebles. In the bass, play an organ, and in the trebles an evolution of the sound from a bell to a brass orchestra : it is fast and easy to program.

With the Seq editor, arrange these colors to create sequences tuned with the chords that you play on the keyboard and which combine melodic and tone evolutions. Create anything from a classical bass line to a complex musical arrangement.

The sound editor proposes to create a "color":

Over seventy patches in the Original Sound Bank demonstrates the powerful capabilities of Dazibao.

KVR Audio, Inc.