
AudioGaming releases AudioWind and AudioRain VST/RTAS Plug-ins for Mac & Win

26th June 2012

AudioGaming has released two new audio plugins, AudioWind and AudioRain.

Using Procedural Audio technology, these two VSTp ("p" for procedural) will enable you to create wind and rain sounds for your productions.

Dedicated to sound designers and post-production professionals, these plug-ins will help you in your daily work to get the sounds you are looking for.

AudioWind and AudioRain come with numerous features:

You can use them in any sequencer. If you want to use both of them at the same time, AudioRain can be used in slave mode.

These VST/RTAS Plug-ins for Mac OS X and Windows cost 245€ each or 399€ in a bundle. For the launch, and until the 31st of July, 2012, AudioGaming offers a special coupon with up to 50% savings. You can buy AudioWind or AudioRain here.

More information about AudioGaming and its activities here.

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KVR Audio, Inc.