
Subatomic Software updates Audulus for iPad to v1.6.1 - Adds Unlimited Undo

19th November 2012

Subatomic Software has updated Audulus for iPad to version 1.6.1, an update which adds two new features to the modular music processing app.

"First, we've added Unlimited Undo, so you can revise at any step. And, unlike many other apps, we've designed it so you won't loose your undo history when closing a document," says Developer W. Taylor Holliday. "Audulus remembers everything."

"Second, in response to a major user request, we've added a Lock mode to prevent nodes from being accidentally moved," says Holliday. "Audulus locks it down."

Audulus for iPad can be used as a stand-alone instrument or in conjunction with Audulus for Mac, for a round-trip workflow between platforms.

Audulus is a minimalist modular software synthesizer and effects processor. With Audulus, users can build synthesizers, design new sounds, or process audio. All with low latency real-time processing suitable for live performance.

Audulus is available on the App Store for a limited-time price of $19.99.

For more information, visit audulus.com.

KVR Audio, Inc.