
Tronsonic releases Organatron V2 - Vintage Rock Organ for Kontakt - 50% off during Xmas Sale

20th December 2012

Tronsonic has released Organatron V2, a Vintage rock organ for Kontakt. It costs £14.99 but is 50% off during Tronsonic's Xmas sale.

Sampled to tape from the Hammond m100 (as used by Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Procul Harum and many more), the Organatron V2 is an updated version of the original Organatron m100.

Its interface is borrowed from the microtape series, but with a couple of extras - fully adjustable vibrato (via tone, amp and pitch) and a Rotating Leslie speaker effect (slow or fast adjusted via the mod wheel/MIDI CC1).

Both of these can be individually set for each drawbar, giving a new level of customization to the organ (as well as effects - coming soon in the New Year as another free upgrade).

As with the microtapes, this interface features the tape 'degrader' controls (shared with the vibrato here). These control how 'damaged' you'd like the tape effect to sound for each drawbar (via tone, amp, pitch and speed). With these controls, the user can make their instrument sound like a vintage film soundtrack, or a rare lost prog gem - adjusting the 'age' of the sound to taste. Each drawbar (there are 9 plus bass pedals and percussion harmonics) also has a tone control (the left tape wheel), which is a way to add the vintage atmosphere by cutting the treble.

All drawbars can be loaded into a multi-patch, giving the user the whole organ to play. All controls (including volume) can be learned via MIDI CC (right click the mouse and turn the control to learn). A custom template for the bcr2000 will be available soon.

Price: £14.99. It is available as part of the 50% Christmas Sale for £7.49, and free, for existing Organatron m100 owners (the upgrade version references the original samples).

Full version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4 or later required.

KVR Audio, Inc.