
ProducerLoops.com releases 'Electro Funk Constructions Vol 1' Sample Pack

15th April 2013

ProducerLoops.com has released Electro Funk Constructions Vol 1, which includes five Construction Kits and over 1 GB of uncompressed content, including drum grooves, bass loops, real guitars and robot vocals, produced exclusively for Producer Loops by artist and producer, DJ Khalid.

This pack takes influence from the sound of late 70s and early 80s Electro Funk and brings it up-to-date with 21st century production. You'll find big drum grooves, laid back bass loops, real funk guitar lines, synth leads and authentic voice box/vocoder loops. On top of that, the "Talkbox Vocals" included are made by DJ Khalid himself.

All kits are tempo matched meaning you can mix and match elements as you please. MIDI, one-shots and release loops are included.

Product Specifications:

Price: £39.95.

KVR Audio, Inc.